Our wings

The Educational wing

Music wing

Outreach wing

the Art 

Our Partnership?




About Us

Who we are

Ransomed Ministries is a non-denominational group that seeks to amalgamate and mobilize talents of individuals in terms of music, choreography, drama and literary works and in other spheres, in order to reach out and win souls for Jesus Christ.

In partnering with us, you’ll be distinguishing yourself as someone committed to Ransomed Ministries and one who shares its vision to save the lost, help the hurting, and spread the Gospel.

There are Four Major Wings under which talents and gifts operate. 

Why not join us!

A growing, thriving commitment where we both share in the benefits promised to us when we come together and spread the cause of Christ and further God’s Kingdom.

They are; The MUSIC WingThe ART WingThe OUTREACH Wing The EDUCATIONAL Wing


Our goal is to reach out with God’s love and help as many people as we can. And we need every partner to help accomplish our mission.

We worship to draw Him closer

Contact us

©2023. ransomed.com.gh